Take a Swing for Education
2013 Tri-County Scholarship Fund
21st Annual Golf Invitational
Monday, June 3, 2013
Morris County Golf Club, Morristown NJ
Calling all golfers! Join us in continuing the tradition of supporting our students through our 21st annual golf outing at the Morris County Golf Club on Monday, June 3rd. While you are having fun, you are giving a student the gift of an education through your support for this event.
Morris County Golf Club, which was organized in 1894, is one of the most prestigious golf clubs in New Jersey and has been home to the US Women’s Amateur and US Men’s Amateur.
Your participation helps Tri-County to partner with its student beneficiaries and their families, providing need-based scholarships that help to cover the cost of a student’s tuition. The success is measurable: last year 100% of Tri-County seniors graduated from high school and, of that group, 96% went on to college. Consider the following:
The average income of the families (family of four) receiving TCSF assistance is under $27,000.
77% of the families are single parent households.
90% of our recipients qualify for the Federal government’s free or reduced lunch program.
Our recipients represent the diversity of their communities: 71% Hispanic, 13% Caucasian, 11% African-American and 5% others.
Since 1981, TCSF has awarded more than 30,000 scholarships.
We are looking for sponsors and auction items. Please let us know if you can help.
You can make a difference! It’s the future! It’s the kids! Be a part of it!
CLICK HERE to see the brochure. Call (973) 984-9600 to register.